About Us
We are a non profit member society bringing together British & Australians to provide friendship, support, activities, major event celebrations who have a deep connection to Australia.
We are run by a committee of volunteers, all of whom give their time to arrange activities and events for the members.
We are a club for all ages, from millennials to founding members and we make a big effort to welcome new members and to help them feel connected.
Norfolk is a gorgeous county – explore and enjoy it with us.

Join Us
Annual membership cost
ONLY £25 per couple/single for one year.
Fantastic Value!
For more info:
FB @britainaustraliasociety
Insta: @britoznorfolk
E: britoznorfolk@gmail.com
M: 07710 233368
Exploring Norfolk
If you like exploring, then this activity is for you. These Norwich city outings are conducted every month and provide access to places you will love to visit.

Walks and Parks
The big open sky in Norfolk is so beautiful whatever the season, so take the opportunity of having an invigorating day out with others. There is always something interesting to experience and you will see areas not seen from a vehicle or train. All upcoming activities will be posted on Facebook and Instagram.
Film Club
Catch up on the newest releases in one of the 3 cinemas in Norwich. This can be a last-minute arrangement and will be announced on Facebook and Instagram, so if you just feel like some company, you can turn up at the designated cinema and join in with the fun and companionship.

Annual Events
Every year we host a number of special events including an Australia Day luncheon, a Summer Garden Party in September/Oct, ANZAC day service and a Christmas AGM celebration. ​ ​ ​
Contact Details